After visiting a my friend at the park I went to Umm Suqueim beach for some time with my Heavenly Father. While sitting on my little beach towel, breathing in the salty air and being captivated by the crashing waves, I found my self in a perfect moment. When my heart feel full and I am satisfied.
I am blessed during this season of my life to have so much free time not distracted by school, work, and other everyday responsibilities I had back in the States. There is a whole other level of daily responsibility here that I will absolutely bring back home with me. "Now that I have seen I am responsible Faith without deeds is dead...And I am on a plane Across a distant sea But I carry you in me In the dust on...My feet. I will tell the world where I've been." - Brooke Fraser, Albertine. Now, this song is about Rawanda but I feel this quote is fitting for me right now. In another blog on another day I will dive into this "responsibility" business a little deep. Until then......
While I am reminded of man made restriction such as schedules I am also reminded and greatly comforted that God is not restricted by a schedule. If I want to go to the beach, sit at a coffee shop, or lay in my bed God is there ready to meet with me. Ready to spend time with me. When my heart is full or when I am anxious God is always ready to listen. And today I chose the beach to observe my Fathers good work.
Jerri K.