Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Discipline & Devotion

Photo by: Michelle Shannon
Hi there!

So I have had this blog set up for a few months but I seem to lack this thing called discipline. I’d like to say I have it all together and I get things done on time, every time. I could lie and say that I wake up with the first buzz of the alarm. I could also lead you to believe I budget wisely and am happy all the time. I would also like to admit that I am not an anxious person but again that is far from true. However, I find complete joy and satisfaction in entrusting my days to My God. Those signs of humanness I claim are a resounding reminder of my need for a God who is more than able to handle my humanness and to change it.
Quite an intro I guess…haha. I wish I could spill my guts on this one blog. If I did it would become a novel rather than a blog and that maybe overwhelming. So let see…the first thing that comes to mind is devotion.

It is through devotion to Jesus Christ that one can devote themselves to a marriage relationship. Marriage takes discipline and devotion, therefore if one will not devote themselves to Jesus Christ, what they call devotion is weak and temporal and what they bring into a marriage will be of the same nature.

I guess I am your typical female and made it about relationships…I could have made it about a dog for the less romantic crowed but sorry folks!

I’ll jump to the next thought. The other day I found myself in a more frequent then desired conversation about age and marriage. My sister was 28 when she married and just had my niece on August 20th(Claire Laine Slaydon), at age 30. Someone made a comment about me having children. I gave my same comical remark, “I need to date first!” Then I just laugh it off. (This will be another blog for another day.) Usually the conversation ends at that with, “it will happen when you least expect it.” But this time someone had to chime in and make a comment about, “It is best to wait to get married till you’re older. Then wait a few more years to have kids just to make sure they are going to stick around.” Comments like these put me in a really bad mood. Especially, if the comment is made by a fellow Christian. I claim Jeremiah 29:11 for all seasons of my life ESPECIALLY that one.

Why would God bring two people together just to have them fall apart? To test the waters to make sure the marriage is going to last? The answer is HE DOES NOT!!! God most defiantly orchestrates marriages based on HIS WORD, but does not for any reason tell us to just test the waters!!! Praise God that that is not how he treats his bride! Praise God that he does not enter into a relationship with us with the mindset of “let just see if this will last before I commit any further.” Thank you God for your unflinching love and devotion to your children. On the flip side as a believer you do NOT enter into a devoted, disciplined, GOD FEARING, relationship with Jesus Christ with the attitude of “I’ll see if I want to stick around.” Also, know as beloved children of the Most High King that he is in it for the long haul. If you are a child of God nothing can pluck you form is hand. The hand that parts and calms restless waters is absolutely big enough to handle anything you got!

In a world where relationships are seldom worked at, God does quite the opposite. He will work, refine, and restore till we are called home.